by hedemarrie | Aug 4, 2021 | Blog, Pro-Meta
ProMETA is at a pivotal time. Despite the uncertainty cause by the Pandemic, we have never had the number of students seeking to join either the Master program or the Certificate. In the last month, I have had at least four sessions of training for new professors as...
by hedemarrie | Jun 2, 2021 | Blog, Pro-Meta
It is hard to fathom that we are already in the middle of the year. As I looked back to last year, the memory most pronounce in my mind is that of fear and uncertainty. For those of us who were hit with Covid, the year 2020 will be sealed in the memory of our...
by hedemarrie | Mar 15, 2017 | Pro-Meta
El nuevo curso de ProMETA: ED6511: Cómo diseñar experiencias transformativas de aprendizaje comenzó con un taller en vivo presentado por el Dr. Mark Hendrickson. Yo voy a estar co-facilitando el curso por las próximas ocho semana con el Dr. Hendrickson. A diferencia...
by hedemarrie | Dec 2, 2016 | Pro-Meta
A few weeks to say goodbye to 2016, many of us hold the expectation of what the new year may bring. Our Ministry ProMETA is celebrating its tenth anniversary, and is offering courses at a master’s level in a promotional campaign. Yours truly will be working with...
by hedemarrie | Dec 2, 2016 | Pro-Meta
El curso de enseñanza aprendizaje ED5010 de ProMETA es un curso diseñado para quienes desean aprender a desarrollar contenidos de capacitación significativos para sus iglesias o comunidades. El curso comienza el próximo lunes 16 de enero y por ser un curso en línea no...
by hedemarrie | Dec 2, 2016 | Pro-Meta
Lo mas fascinante de la época en que vivimos es que los educadores tienen a la mano herramientas tecnológicas en sus computadoras. La mayoría de los educadores utilizan Word para la presentación de sus contenidos y Power Point para la presentación. ¿Por qué no...
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